Outsourcing as a Strategic Tool for Organizational Sustainability: A Study of Manufacturing Firms in Enugu Metropolis


Research Objective: This study examined the relationship between outsourcing and organizational sustainability of manufacturing firms in Enugu metropolis. In order to achieve the aim of the study, three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. HR outsourcing and information technology outsourcing were adopted as the dimensions of outsourcing while economic sustainability and environmental sustainability were adopted as the measures of organizational sustainability. The study was anchored on Resource-Based theory. 

Methodology: The study adopted a survey method using questionnaires as instruments for data collection.  Data was analyzed using Pearson’s Moment correlations with the help of SPSS Social Science package. A sample of one hundred and sixteen (116) employees and managers of the selected manufacturing firms in Enugu metropolis were derived for the study and used for the analysis. 

Findings: HR outsourcing has a positive and significant relationship with economic sustainability (r = .664, p<.022).HR outsourcing has a significant and positive relationship with environmental sustainability (r = .679, p<..006). Information technology outsourcing has a significant and positive relationship with economic sustainability (r = ‘.744, p<.000).

Conclusion: outsourcing has a significant positive relationship with organizational performance of manufacturing organizations. 

Recommendations: Continuous outsourcing of other services which an organization does not have a competitive advantage over its competitor guarantees organizational sustainability.  Integrating outsourcing programmes into the corporate strategy eliminates duplication in resources application and equally ensures the enjoyment of unique competitive capabilities. Finally, successful implementation of an outsourcing strategy not only helps in cutting costs but enhances both economic sustainability and environmental sustainability. 

Key words: Outsourcing, Strategic tool, Organizational Sustainability.


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