Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship: Implications for Sustainable Venture Creation in Nigeria


Research Objective: This paper explored the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on entrepreneurship and its implications for sustainable venture creation in Nigeria, focusing on how AI enhances the sustainability of new venture processes and outcomes.

Methodology: A qualitative research approach was adopted, drawing data from various documents, journals, and artefacts to assess the influence of AI on entrepreneurial processes.

Findings: The study revealed that advancements in AI technologies facilitated the identification and exploitation of market opportunities, significantly impacting how entrepreneurs develop, design, and scale their organisations. AI led to promising innovations, accelerated production, enhanced work processes, and improved efficiency.

Conclusion: As a key driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI has transformed entrepreneurial practices, albeit with implications for job displacement.

Recommendations: The study recommends that the Nigerian government implement a policy framework to establish AI-based entrepreneurial grants and provide low-interest loans to support existing and potential entrepreneurs utilising AI technology.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Venture Creation, Nigeria.


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