Women Economic Empowerment on Economic Development in Selected Communities in Enugu State, Nigeria, 2015 – 2022


Research purpose:

The current economic state of most women is a product of the roles they are expected to fill. These roles were seen as their primary responsibilities, and they were discouraged or even prevented from pursuing careers outside of these roles. The objectives of the study are to: find out the extent women participating in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises have impacted on poverty reduction in Enugu state, Nigeria, assess the extent women skill acquisition have impacted on poverty reduction in Enugu state, Nigeria.


The study adopted a descriptive method of research design, while the population of the study is 172 and sample is 120. Out 120 questionnaires administer, 115 are valid for the study.

Research Findings:

This means women participating in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises have impacted on poverty reduction in Enugu state, Nigeria. This implies that women acquiring educational Knowledge have impacted on poverty reduction in Enugu state, Nigeria.


The study concluded that women economic empowerment have impacted on economic development in communities of Enugu state, Nigeria.

Final recommendations:

The society should allow women to participate in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises and it will contribute to economic development in Nigeria, Government should make room for more social skim programs for women especially for skill acquisition has impacted on poverty reduction and it will contribute to economic development in Nigeria, Gender equality, especially the female gender should be allow for white-collar jobs and is part of economic development in the society and Women should be allow to participate in politics hand this will impact on poverty reduction positively in communities in Africa at large.

Key words:

Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, women skill acquisition, poverty reduction


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