Research purpose:
This study examined the conceptual examination of how strategic planning approaches impact organizational resilience. Managers that implemented strategic planning within their organizations were able to focus their efforts on improving management, which caused this tendency to shift. Although there have been claims that putting strategic planning into practice enhances management, some worry that not all maritime nations that attempt to create strategic plans are happy with the outcome. It also discusses how executives’ use of planning methodologies undermines resilience when they don’t align their objectives with the financial resources that their maritime business requires. The study sought to determine the relationship between functional coverage and robustness as well as the effects of planning formality on robustness and adaptability. The study also aimed to ascertain how robustness is affected by functional coverage.
The Dynamic Capabilities Theory served as the study’s cornerstone. The theory and the study are related because an organization’s “dynamic capabilities” are its ability to integrate, develop, and reconfigure internal and external competences to meet rapidly changing settings.
The study concluded that the dynamic environment in which an organization operates may have an impact on the organization’s well-being. Long-term viability of even physically and technologically adequate maritime enterprises may be compromised if they are unable to build up enough resilience through strategic planning.
Key words:
Strategic planning techniques, Organizational resilience, Planning formality, Adaptability, Functional coverage, Robustness.
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